Thursday, January 27, 2011

What happens at the Hilton...

It’s Monday the 24th, and by the time this blog is actually posted we will no longer be in London. The Paris Hilton sex tape must not have been uploaded in the London Hilton because we have yet to find free wifi in this place.

So far, England is easily a fan favorite in comparison to the one other country we’ve traveled. London is the bee’s pajamas. Everyone speaks the language I know and love, yet I’ve never seen so many different cultures unite in the same city. These people are passionate and buzzing with energy. I hold them responsible for helping me overcome both my jetlag and culture shock.

Here at the Hilton, we’re surrounded by a great deal of Lebanese, Iraqi, and Iranian culture. So that’s weird. And that’s really all I have to say about that.

After 24 hours in London, we feel pretty accustomed to the crazy awesome subway systems they have here. The greatest adventures here usually include boarding the tube and having no idea where it’s headed. It blows my mind that seven million Londoners use the same network of buses and subways. I feel like I’m on permanent airport-people-watching status.

Random London fact: Jason Statham is like their pride and joy. It’s really creepy. I love that they idolize someone who we consider to be one of the worst actors back in the states.

Last night, after we checked into our rooms, we fumbled our way down to Westminster Abbey for a Sunday night worship service. It absolutely blew my mind that in a country where only 6% of the population regularly attends church service, a small group of about a hundred people gathered inside one of the most historical churches in the world to worship and praise our Creator. It breaks my heart to recognize the fact that church is simply history here.

I’ve felt the Lord calling me to organize some sort of set worship while we’re without church for three months. Of course, I left all of my guitars back in Waco, but when has that stopped me? I’ve been eyeing this £34,99 piece of crap in a window shop around the corner. I figure my dad won’t mind my spending a little extra to praise God. Speaking of money, this whole conversion thing is really messing me up. How is it that the UK thinks they’re above switching to the Euro like the rest of Europe? Who do they think they are, us?

So today we asked the concierge about some of the local pubs in the area, and it was probably the smartest thing we’ve done this entire trip. He sent us to this little Irish pub around the corner where we found a bunch of old men drinking whiskey out of tall glasses that were probably made to serve Coke. They have a great selection of beer and whiskey, and the food is absolutely incredible. To put this into perspective, I ate there for both lunch and dinner. It was my first run in with shepherd’s pie…I now consider this moment a landmark. We got out with a full meal and two beers a piece for less than ten pounds. It has officially been declared our pub of choice.

Tonight, we went to the Billy Elliot musical, and then used our lady friend who felt under the weather as an excuse to leave Billy Elliot the musical. I just want to be a southern gentleman. Also, it reminded me of Pigskin, and anything that reminds me of Pigskin makes me nauseous. Baylor has ruined musicals for me. Sorry ΔΔΔ, but I’ll take Olivia Newton John in black leather over your act any day. She’s the one that I want.

Oo oo, oo oo, honey…

Instead, we opted out for some great coffee and conversation outside our hotel. If that were all I did this trip, I’d be one happy brother.

I feel like a freshman all over again. Outside of a few close friends, I’m meeting dozens of other Wacoans that I’ve seen on campus for the past two and a half years but never talked to. At a time in college where I often grow complacent in my relationships, this opportunity couldn’t come sooner.

I blame the length of this post on that coffee and conversation. I praise your name if you actually read this entire thing. I’m sure only my mother made it this far. She misses me. Hi, Mom. Don’t forget to send a care package. You know how I like beef jerky and Jelly Bellys. Remember, there’s a huge difference in brands of jellybeans. You can’t fool me.

Stonehenge and Bath tomorrow. Rocks…cool…

Also, I typed the entirety of this whilst sitting on the toilet. Rawspec.

-Written by Jake


  1. Oh, Jake. You make a mother proud. Who else could multi-task on the toilet? (or at least admit it) You've described your experience well! I feel like I was there. I love you, bud. Be safe. I just have to keep saying that. Reading about the subway system makes it a necessity. :) Keep on bloggin'!

  2. so Layne sent me this blog because we have told him 100 times to write his own. And I would just like to say that I made it to the end (along with your mom) and even had a few chuckles. Make him get a blog!

  3. lastly, this is whitney w and im not sure why my name reads "Watasha."
    but i like it.

  4. Although days late, I made it through the whole thing. I actually read the entire thing on the toilet, roomies for ever. Long live the 186.
