Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Unexpected God

Sometimes I will seek God so hard through reading the bible, or worshipping, or praying, or just trying to "think" myself into His presence, and it feels as if I accomplish nothing. No "special" feeling, no great happiness welling inside me and no greater understanding of His wonderful mystery. In other particular moments I have no intentions of seeking Him at all, and He strikes straight to my heart.

"There is a God. The plants of the valley and the cedars of the mountain bless His name; the insect hums His praise; the elephant salutes Him with the rising day; the bird glorifies Him among the foliage; the lighting bespeaks His power, and the ocean declares His immensity. Man alone has said, 'There is no God.'"
~Vicomte De Chateaubriand

You could say it was unexpected for me to be drawn to God in the middle of a boring French Revolution class. I read the Chateaubriand quote from one of our readings on the age of romanticism where intellects went back to their feelings and emotions instead of reliance on science and reason. Chateaubriand was one of the few who realized that true romance is not with art or nature, but rather those are mediums through which we find God and fall more deeply in love with Him.

May I not resort to my own futile devices to will God into my life, and may I not be blind to the beauty all around this continent that God, the bride, is using to romance me, the bridegroom.


  1. thats the beauty of God fo sho

    well put broha

  2. Great post man, really spoke to me. I love that quote too, so much truth and power there
