Monday, February 28, 2011


To save Goldstein from himself, I've decided to post about my weekend here in Maastricht.  He's written the last few, so it must be my turn.  

Thursday, I went to bed earlier than I have since middle school.  And I will not apologize.

Friday, my buddy Layne and I went on a bike ride around Maastricht.  I couldn't help but recall the words of those before me (Daniel Goldstein, Tori Liggett, Jena Willard...) who shared their wisdom with me before I left.  They said that one of their favorite weekends from the trip was the weekend they stuck around and explored Maastricht.  They were right.  Friday consisted of a late morning man-date with Layne, as I let him test drive some of his planned dates for his girlfriend who's coming next week.  He bought my meal and everything, it was super romantic.  We proceeded to get lost on a long bike ride in and around Maastricht, culminating in an uphill battle with the road for a mile or two.  To conclude the bike ride story, I'm in the worst physical shape of my life.  Hence the sweating, panting, and cursing.  Friday ended with the ordering of pizza and viewing of several episodes of Star Wars.  Yes, I am a nerd.  But Goldstein can do the R2D2 scream with the best of them, so he's got it much worse than me.

Saturday...I don't even remember Saturday.  The highlight of Saturday was a two-hour-long Skype date with Laura.  No complaints there.

Sunday was my jam.  Without a doubt, I woke up in the best way imaginable.  Goldstein, in his infinite wisdom, purchased an ESPN college pass when we got here.  With this golden ticket, we've been able to watch the Baylor men's basketball team in all of their highs and lows.  On this particular morning, I knew I would be waking up to a recording of the Baylor v. ATM game in Waco.  The next two hours were filled with silent fist pumps, overused Baylor related catchphrases said under my breath, and attempts at the frat snap.  I was forced to use these celebratory methods, as opposed to my usual shouting, because the Asian girls in our hall party hard into the night and sleep into the afternoon.  And because I was by myself and feel pathetic shouting at a computer screen by myself.  

I had an epiphany that morning.  It doesn't matter if I'm watching Baylor basketball by myself or with a group of friends.  Under either scenario, the presence of those collegiate companions closest to my heart fills whatever room I'm in.  These are the men I will tell my children about someday, these roommates who I've spent hours upon hours with, watching basketball.  I will speak of Kyle Crawford, Kevin Smith, Ty Morrill, Harrison DeHay, Nolan Grose, and many others as legends when I look back on my collegiate career.  

Last night, Goldstein and I pillow talked the night away, reminiscing over the past three years. We found that even during those late nights where we questioned whether we were wasting our time in college, playing Call of Duty, watching NCAA basketball, sitting on the porch and laughing at people coming back from Scruffs...we were creating community and living out fellowship at all times.  God has made known His love for me through the relationships with these men that surround me in Waco.  I pray that they fully know their role in the divine journey that is my life in Christ.  

That's enough sentiment for now.  Stay tuned for a collaborative blog post.  Topic: Reformed theology v. the rest of the world.  We'll have interviews with Rob Bell, Layne Hancock, a tweet from John Piper, and much more.  Seriously though, I hope Goldstein decides to incorporate the theological debate into his post about his trip to Copenhagen.  Take the hint, Stein.  I pass the flame on to you.


  1. I've been reading blogs, articles and quotes and watching videos (related to Rob Bell) for hours now. Seriously though, goodbye homework. I'm on the edge of my seat for your next post!

  2. I miss you, Jaker. Keep those blogs comin' makes me feel like I'm there with you! I love you! Sooooooooo much!
